Boards & Commission
Planning Commission
About the Planning Commission– Consists of seven members appointed by the Township Supervisor, and each member serves a 3-year term
– Creates and adopts a Master Plan to guide the township’s future land use patterns.
– Creates and adopts other related plans and studies.
– Reviews and approves most development proposals – some proposals require final approval by the Township Board.
– Makes recommendations on rezoning requests.
– Drafts and makes recommendations on zoning ordinance refinements and updates.
– Makes recommendations on other general law ordinances, as needed
Meetings are open to the publicThe Almira Township Planning Commission meets on the first Tuesday of every month. Any additional meetings will be at the call of the Chair. All meetings will be held at the Almira Townhall located in the Village of Lake Ann, MI at 6:00 p.m. unless posted otherwise. Click on the year above to get a more detailed meeting schedule.
All Commission meetings are open meetings and all Almira Citizens are encouraged to attend. There may be a quorum of township board members at any of these meetings and the board members may participate in discussions or deliberations at such meetings.
More Information
Regular Meetings
The commission conducts Site Plan Review, Special Land Use Permit Applications, and other Ordinance Stipulated Functions. The public may introduce topics not on the agenda, and discussion will follow.
Cancellation of Meetings
As soon as it is known that a meeting has been canceled, it will be posted at the Township Office.
Mailing Address
Almira Township Planning Commission
7276 Ole White Dr. Lake Ann, MI 49650
Phone: (231) 275-5862 / Fax: (231) 275-7164
Planning Commission Documents
Planning Commission Board Members

Ryan Ratajczak
| Chairperson
Kurt Swartz
| Vice Chairperson
Shannon Jordan
| Commissioner
Melisa Martin
| Secretary & ZBA Representative
Lori Florip
| Township Board Representative
Duane Newman
| Commissioner
Vince Edwards
| Commissioner